Blue Collar Cheyenne
In Loving Memory 2008-2020
Blue Collar Cheyenne
(VC Black Canyon Gin MH NAI UTI X VC Heidlwolf Benelli NAI UTI)
Weight: 41
Coat: liver roan,
medium harsh/medium dense
Bite and eyes: normal
Hips: OFA Excellent
Thyroid: OFA normal
Furnishings: Ff
CC was always a great pheasant and quail dog and a decent chukar dog she was a consistent upland dog you could count on her to find and hold her share of the birds. You could also count on her to be a little selfish and bust a couple. She had a ton of independence in her search but always stayed out front. CC was one of the best snipe dogs I have hunted over she was very cautious with them and could consistently pin them down even in low cover. We used CC for over 50 youth and women's hunts introducing 100s of new hunters to the sport.
CC was the most phenomenal waterfowl dog I have ever owned. I had her at a time when we were hunting waterfowl 4 days a week starting with the September early goose season and ending on March 10th with the late snow and speck season. From her second season to her 6th we never lost a bird it was an absolutely incredible streak. If we even saw the vaguest direction a bird winged down in an send her out that way she came back with it and frequently picked up half a dozen cripples we didn't shoot on every hunt. I remember the day we broke her streak she came back dumbfounded. During her tenure CC retrieved nearly every western species of waterfowl including sea ducks, pacific brant, Tundra swans, Aleutian cackling geese, white fronted geese, snow geese, ross geese, western Canada geese, sandhill cranes and all the standard puddler and diving ducks.
Very high Prey drive struggled with steadiness off and on for several years. CC was a very quick dog and frequently caught wild birds in the air which did not help with steadiness. I know she was a prize one Utility dog I was just to focused on hunting to stop and spend the time training she needed. We also used CC as a tracking dog for pigs and deer she had a special place in her heart for hunting down wounded pigs. CC had a very soft mouth and I was able to use the same live duck for several months of training.
CC comes from a line of excellent German registered dogs' genetics and American lines from Idaho, Utah and Oregon to create some incredibly talented, driven and highly trainable dogs. Many great wirehair breeders worked for decades to produce this line of dogs. Thank you CC for everything you gave me and the many other people you touched.