("J" Litter)

Dam “Thya”
Bachman bay’s aythya
(Blue collar Cheyenne NAI UTII X Bone point’s Magnus NAI UTI)
Weight: 42
DOB: 3/15/16
Coat: liver roan, medium harsh/medium dense
Bite and eyes: normal
Hips: OFA Good
Thyroid: OFA normal
Furnishings: Ff
Von Willebrand’s: Clear
Exercise Induced Collapse: Clear
Co-owned with Chris Jensen in Klamath Falls, Oregon
Thya is a whole lot of dog in a very small package. She came from an extremely successful litter, not only did she receive a 112/112 Natural Ability prize I, but the other four litter-mates that were tested all received 112 prize I. During her Natural Ability test she was running massive and certainly the biggest running successful NA dog I have personally seen. Thya and all her litter-mates love children, other dogs and live in family homes. Like her dam CC, she loves chasing waterfowl and has no trouble getting large ducks and geese back to the blind. Thya has retrieved nearly every species of waterfowl and as many as 100 geese in a day she is an absolute monster in the marsh. We think it is very possible that she has retrieved more waterfowl than any other wirehair currently alive. I took Thya on a very successful trip to Montana and Washington to hunt her on wild huns, chukar and pheasants and she performed very well. She is a big running dog with a huge motor. I will always remember her first chukar hunt on her very first big hill she pinned one of the largest coveys I have ever seen.
Thya comes from a line of excellent German registered dogs' genetics and American lines from Idaho, Utah and Oregon to create some incredibly talented, driven and highly trainable dogs. Many great wirehair breeders worked for decades to produce this line of dogs. Thya is a direct decedent of the top producing versatile stud wirehairs in the United States including Bone Point’s Magnus, Lager V Den Drei Teufeln and Salty Pete V Rahnhaus. This line of puppies is was specifically line bred back to genetics from two NAVHDA Versatile Champions VC Black Canyon Gin and VC Heidlwolf Benelli.

Stud “Conn”
Backwoods flim flam
(FC Final approach X Backwoods Almost Famous)
Weight: 58
DOB: 6/26/2010
Coat: liver roan, Medium harsh/Medium dense
Bite and eyes: normal
Elbows: normal
Hips: OFA good
Thyroid: OFA normal
Furnishings: Ff
Von Willebrand’s: Clear
Exercise Induced Collapse: Clear
Owned by Travis Erickson, lakeview, Oregon
After a long search evaluating all the possible stud dogs we found a dog with some really powerful genetics behind him and decided this would be our stud for Thya’s first breeding. We were specifically looking for a dog that is not the same genetics as the majority of western dogs coming from a handful of the same bloodlines. Conn is a very nice big running chukar dog owned by Travis and Kathryn Erickson of Lakeview, Oregon. Travis has owned a dozen wirehairs and Conn is by far his favorite dog. Conn was bred by Greg and Liz Dixon of Backwoods kennels in Wisconsin. For many years Backwoods has produced some of the top GWPs in the nation. We watched Conn do an impressive horseback run on chukar this spring as a ten year old. He was braced with a younger much bigger running GSP and Conn easily found and held all the birds. He has strong pointing and retrieving instinct as well as a natural back. Although, Conn doesn’t have any titles he did place high in several AKC field trials and in the 2016 GWPCA Nationals he made the call backs meaning he was one of the top four running dogs that year. Conn’s sire “Pilot” was a field champion who came from a line of FC/AFC/NAFC dogs with Sure shot dogs on the top and Flintlock dogs on the bottom. Conn’s dam “Geena” was very closely related to several well-known FC/AFC/NFC Sure Shot dogs including her brothers “Wilson” and “Marley” and her sire “Rocky”. Geena herself has several AKC field trial placements and she won the open puppy at the GWPCA nationals in 2005.