("N" Litter)
This breeding from failed Blitz sperm was not viable *No pups
Dam “Thya”
Bachman bay’s aythya
(Blue collar Cheyenne NAI UTII X Bone point’s Magnus NAI UTI)
Weight: 42
DOB: 3/15/16
Coat: liver roan, medium harsh/medium dense
Bite and eyes: normal
Hips: OFA Good
Thyroid: OFA normal
Furnishings: Ff
Von Willebrand’s: Clear
Exercise Induced Collapse: Clear
Co-owned with Chris Jensen in Klamath Falls, Oregon
Thya is a whole lot of dog in a very small package. She came from an extremely successful litter, not only did she receive a 112/112 Natural Ability prize I, but the other four litter-mates that were tested all received 112 prize I. During her Natural Ability test she was running massive and certainly the biggest running successful NA dog I have personally seen. Thya and all her litter-mates love children, other dogs and live in family homes. Like her dam CC, she loves chasing waterfowl and has no trouble getting large ducks and geese back to the blind. Thya has retrieved nearly every species of waterfowl and as many as 100 geese in a day she is an absolute monster in the marsh. We think it is very possible that she has retrieved more waterfowl than any other wirehair currently alive. I took Thya on a very successful trip to Montana and Washington to hunt her on wild huns, chukar and pheasants and she performed very well. She is a big running dog with a huge motor. I will always remember her first chukar hunt on her very first big hill she pinned one of the largest coveys I have ever seen. Her 2020 litter produced a phenomenal group of pups that excelled hunting wild birds this fall.
Thya comes from a line of excellent German registered dogs' genetics and American lines from Idaho, Utah and Oregon to create some incredibly talented, driven and highly trainable dogs. Many great wirehair breeders worked for decades to produce this line of dogs. Thya is a direct decedent of the top producing versatile stud wirehairs in the United States including Bone Point’s Magnus, Lager V Den Drei Teufeln and Salty Pete V Rahnhaus.

Stud “Blitz"
Three Devils Blitz (VC Three Devils O duke of Schmieding FM NAI UTI X Three Devils Umeko HAE 64 AHAE 178)
Versatile Hunting Dog Federation Hunt test performance
HAE: 64 Points
AHAE 168 Points
Weight: 64
DOB: 4/17/2014
Coat: Liver Roan, Medium dense/Medium harsh
Bite and eyes: normal
Elbows: OFA normal
Hips: Pennhip R 0.21 L. 0.22
Thyroid: OFA normal
Furnishings: Ff
Blitz is a very talented male owned by Mike Boren of Boise, Idaho, and bred by Jeff Funke of Three Devils Kennel. He excels as a hunting dog and has recieved top scores in VHDF testing system. He has a great beard and a very nice coat and conformation. He has an excellent "OFF" switch around the house and is one of the most mellow, friendliest dogs you will ever meet. Last year we judged and watched several of his offspring run in VHDF and NAVHDA hunt tests. They were all great looking, talented, high-drive dogs. His son Odin is now one of the lead stud dogs at Bone Point's Kennel. Kelly Jobes the owner has been very pleased with him and his offspring. Blitz has some very nice dogs in his pedigree and is line bred back to Luke one of the most prepotent versatile wirehairs of all time. Jeff Funke of Three Devils Kennels feels Blitze is one of the best producing studs currently alive and he has been breeding wirehairs for over 30 years. Below is a link to the 8 breedings Blitz did with pup scores in the VHDF system.